Interview Series: In conversation with author Khayaal Patel


I am in conversation with Khayaal Patel, the author of the best selling debut novel, Tarikshir: The Awakening, a story from the land of Rajputs. This fantasy tale celebrates the valour and chivalry of the Rajput dynasty. Tarikshir is a mix of mystery, fantasy, history and everything else that a reader would enjoy.


Excerpts from the interview:

1. Tell us about your latest book, Tarikshir: The Awakening.

It’s unlike anything you have ever read before. It’s a historical, paranormal, mythological mystery with just a wee bit of romance thrown in swaad anusar.

If you haven’t read it already, give TARIKSHIR: The Awakening a chance. You will love it, I promise.

2. Why did you go for an amalgamation of mythology and history in your first book?

I think mythofiction is something that has gained a lot of prominence in the Indian market due to the increase in writers in the field, so I wanted to do something slightly different, hence the Ramayana and zombies. 🙂

3. What was your hardest scene to write in the book?  

The epilogue. There were a number of different ways I wanted Rudra’s journey to end and choosing from them was the hardest, but in retrospect, I think I picked the best one for this, thus changing the ending of Rudra’s journey to his beginning.

4. How did you feel when you held the first copy of your novel?

Man, it felt surreal. I could actually hear a symphony orchestra playing in my head while the winds blew behind me. It lasted for about a minute and then I realized that this was probably just the first step.

5. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? Is there any specific book that inspired you to take up writing?

Not particularly. I took up writing at one point because I used to read a lot and writing just seemed like the next logical step.

6. What do you think about the publishing industry in India? What is the most unethical practice according to you in the industry?

It’s a wonderful time to be an author in India right now; the audiences are waking up and accepting topics and subjects that were considered taboo maybe a decade ago. Despite the sheer number of books being churned out, I still think the industry is in its burgeoning stages and will only go up from here.

7. What kind research do you think an author should do before starting a novel?

It largely depends on the type of novel one is writing, but all novels require a certain level of research. Personally, etching out the story and then delving into the details such as the what, why and when of the era works best for me.

8. Have you ever experienced “Writer’s Block”? Any tips for new writers on overcoming it?

I think like aging, “writer’s block” is inevitable and also like aging, it all depends on the person and how they tackle it. For some people, music works and for others, complete silence. I think it’s all a matter of personal choice. For me it’s always been a lot of caffeine and a lot of sugar.

9. What does literary success look like to you?

I got into reading and subsequently writing because of the kind of books that I was brought up with. I am only that I can give back and complete the circle and make a difference in some kid’s life, the kind of difference books made in mine. That would be the best kind of literary success.

Also, a blue tick next to my insta handle @kyakhayaalhaiaapka and a Tarikshir movie would come a close second. 😛

10. What tips would you like to give aspiring authors who want to make it big in the publishing world?

Write about stuff that you would personally enjoy, focus on the story and nothing else because in the end, the first draft doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be written.

Quick Five

1. Favourite book (could be fiction or non fiction) – Asterix & Obelisk

2. Favourite author – Albert Uderzo & Rene Goscinny and Herge

3. Spirit animal – Sloth

4. Favourite fictional character – James Bond

5. Favourite under rated book – Karl, Aaj aur kal

About the author

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Khayaal Patel is someone who tries to balance a full time job along with being a best selling author. When he is not immersed in his fantasy world, one can find him reading comics, watching movies, trying to figure out the secrets of the universe and indulging in his incredibly unhealthy addiction to anything chocolate.

Tarikshir: The Awakening 

Tarikshir - front


A small princely state in Rajasthan is the last bastion of resistance against the might of the British Empire. While unrest surrounding the sudden death of the king of Devangarh grows, young prince Rudra Pratap Chauhan prepares to ascend the throne.

But the kingdom is in turmoil. The Devangarh army is outnumbered and the British forces are closing in. To make matters worse, Rudra discovers the king’s death may not have been accidental after all. The strange appearance and disappearance of a mysterious hooded stranger and a series of ritualistic murders in which the bodies have been drained of blood, spread panic across the realm.

As Rudra struggles to manage his new responsibilities and investigate his father’s death, dark secrets will be uncovered that will disrupt life as he knows it.

Link for buying the book


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